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usersgroups cpt behavior?

We've opted to patch the RedHat version passwd to exhibit the preferred
behavior rather than switch to the shadow version.  This seems to be
working fine and with an additional patch to allow adduser to add even
when a group of the same name exists, I'm down to 4 failures.  These seem
to be more of a case of the test mechanism interaction with the system
than a lack of the end programs behaving as expected, specifically when
cpt is used:

19:46:09  Execute /tset/LSB.usersgroups/commands/passwd/T.passwd
running me: execute_groupadd vsxg 
running me: execute_passwd_g vsxg 
cat: /tmp/groups.output1: No such file or directory
running me: remove_group vsxg 
running me: execute_groupadd vsxg 
running me: execute_passwd_g_r vsxg 
cat: /tmp/groups.output12: No such file or directory
running me: remove_group vsxg 
running me: execute_groupadd vsxg 
running me: execute_passwd_g_R vsxg 

If I run cpt alone, with the lines uncommented that echo the child data
back, it seems to be doing what it should, yet during the tests I hit the
above listed files not found.

Any suggestions on further debugging this behavior?

Stew Benedict

MandrakeSoft	OH/TN, USA	http://perso.mandrakesoft.com/~sbenedict/
PPC Faq: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mandrake-cooker-ppc&m=99441208917647&w=

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