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Re: Bug#134658: ITP: lsb -- Linux Standard Base 1.1 core support package

Previously VomLehn, David wrote:
> That's not the issue and Debian is not going to comply with LSB 1.0,
> ever.

>From what I see no distribution will be LSB 1.0 complient but will
start with 1.1 instead. But that isn't really relevant here.

> The most difficult question that a standards body codifying existing
> practice deals with is trying to not break existing software.

Mostly agreed.

> If I were Debian, I would be frustrated at the length of time it takes
> to obsolete a feature.

That isn't frustrating. Debian has always been in the business of
providing seemless upgrades and we've been dealing with numerous
multi-year transitions forever so we know how that works.

The frustrating bit is that apparently these users were added to the LSB
without a clear rationale and we need to clean up the resulting mess

> It's an unfortunate reality that software producers need to have time
> to change their products, but it is also an unavoidable reality.

Can we try and investigate if there is a product out there that
actually uses these two users? I would be very surprised of one

> Lastly, I offer the observation that if it were easy to create and
> update a Linux interface standard, it would have been done a long time
> ago.

That isn't going to stop anyone from complaining though :)


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