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Grammar, spelling in LSB 1.1.0 Ch. 16

If this is not the correct forum for these suggestions, please forgive me and let me know where I can direct them.

I noticed some errors in English usage which I would like to point out. In Chapter 16, under "User & Group Names":

Original text (occurs twice):
This specification makes no attempt to numerically assign uid or gid numbers.

This is redundant.  My suggestion would be:
This specification makes no attempt to assign uid or gid numbers.

Original text:
If the username exists on a system, then they should be in the suggested corresponding group.

This is a mix of singular and plural.  My suggestion would be:
If the username exists on a system, then that user should be in the suggested corresponding group.

In Chapter 16, under "UID Ranges":

Original text:
The system UIDs from 100 to 499 should be reserved for dynamically allocation by system administrators...

"dynamically" is an adverb.  My suggestion:
The system UIDs from 100 to 499 should be reserved for dynamic allocation by system administrators...

Just trying to improve the product :-)

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