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Re: Included Interface without documentation

Andrew Pham writes:

> What directory should I download the above man page source ?
> And what tool(s) can I use to extract the "real" text out of these pages
> without all the formats?

Download the latest tarball (man-pages-1.35.tar.gz), extract into a
temporary directory, then "cd man-pages-1.35".

>From there, run this command:

  groff -t -mandoc -Tlatin1 file

to extract the text.  Replace "file" with "man3/writev.3", for
example.  I think you need to run from within the top-level directory
so that troff ".so" file includes will work correctly.

You can pipe the output into "less" or redirect into a file.

I usually use a bash shell function to look at uninstalled man pages:

in your .bashrc
manl () 
    $(grog -Tlatin1 "$@") | less

Then I can just do: "manl man3/writev.3".


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