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Re: LI18NUX comments to LSB 0.4.2

Previously Akio Kido wrote:
> 4. Lack of #define statement
>          FILENAME_MAX       ( stdio.h )

Why is that one needed? Applications should get that one at runtime,
since it will differ per filesystem (and on systems like HURD there is
no maximum at all).

> 6, Lack of Utiliries
>         egrep, expand, fgrep, Mail, printf, sort,

egrep and fgrep should not be used, use the -E and -F options for
grep instead. (I think they are also GNU extensions?)

>         sed, awk, grep

Depending on the version of sed different regexp formats are supported;
if we state that sed must be present we should probably also explicitly
mention which regexps it should be able to handle.


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