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Re: should not specify default group for users

Previously V man wrote:
> Debian metod is really well working, but it's a little too much 
> "particular". I propose a little change. 

While we're proposing let me propose something else:

We basically need three range:
* 0-99, reserved for static uids and gids that should be present on all
* a range for static uids and gids that are needed for some applications
  (qmail for example)
* a range for dynamic uids and gids that are not always needed (for
  example a daemon-specific uid which is only needed when the specific
  daemon is installed )

Furthermore there are two specials uid and gids (0=root:root and

Can we all agree on that? I'll assume yes for now :)

We'll have to make a list for the 0-99 range and keep it as empty
as possible since we don't have a lot of room in there..

Next, if we don't want to conflict with traditional NIS setups we can't
touch the range 100-N, where N might be 65533 so we give users the full
16bit range.

This pushes us to somewhere in the 32bit range. I suggest we pick a
range somewhere high. Does someone know if all applications support
32bit uids by now?


 / Generally uninteresting signature - ignore at your convenience  \
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