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Re: Playing with the spec

>>"Jochem" == Jochem Huhmann <joh@gmx.net> writes:

 Jochem> [Mailed and posted to local.lsb.spec]
 Jochem> * Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> wrote:

 >> Could someone explain the rationale of embedding version
 >> numbers in the directory structure, hance having the directory
 >> structure change with each package upgrade, rather than having things
 >> like /usr/share/sgml/jade-1.2.1/?

 Jochem> You don't really want to replace a DTD or such with a newer
 Jochem> one, you will still need them for applications that rely on
 Jochem> them. "Upgrading" means *adding* new stuff here, not
 Jochem> replacing older with newer versions. Therefore there have to
 Jochem> be version numbers in the names.

        I was not talking of replacing the older versions of the DTD
 (yes, that _would_ be horribly broken). However, you do *not* need
 package names, and worse, verion numbers cluttering up the archive
 structure to achieve that. I posit that embedding package names and
 versions numbers shall lead to a directory structure that may grow
 untenable in the future, given the potential for rapid explasion of
 packages and DTD's as XML gets wider acceptance.

        On my machine, there exists a single <path to sgml/dtd/
 directory (subdirectories are permitted therein). The HTML DTD's are
 all there, and we do not replace the older ones when neew version
 come out: the sgml.catalog reads (in part):
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" dtd/html-4.01s.dtd
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"  dtd/html-4.0s.dtd
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 970421//EN" dtd/html-970421.dtd
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2S Draft//EN" dtd/html-970421.dtd
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN" dtd/html-3.2.dtd
PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN//3.0" dtd/html-3.dtd
PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.1E//EN" dtd/html-2.1e.dtd
PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN" dtd/html.dtd
PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//EN" dtd/html-1.dtd
PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0//EN" dtd/html-0.dtd
        Similar thing can be done with docbook (I just chose HTML
 for brevity of the example).
 Jochem> We are thinking about a useful structure for this right now. One
 Jochem> possibility would be to package this like that:

 Jochem>         /usr/share/sgml/
 Jochem>                         docbook-3.1/
 Jochem>                                 dtd/
 Jochem>                                 entities/
 Jochem>                                 style-sheets/ 
 Jochem>                                 images/

 Jochem> If now KDE wants to install it's own package for documentation
 Jochem> converting, it could plug it in as this:

 Jochem>         /usr/share/sgml/
 Jochem>                         kde-1.2/
 Jochem>                                 dtd/
 Jochem>                                 entities/
 Jochem>                                 style-sheets/ 
 Jochem>                                 images/

 Jochem> This is just an idea and may be way too simple.

        Ugh. Even if we were just talking about docbook, this seems
 inverted, and non UNIXy. (This like /usr/emacs/bin,
 /usr/yacc/bin. /usr/vi/bin, etc.).But as distribution person, we
 shall have scores of packages providing their own DTD, and this
 embedding of package name and version number in the file structure is
 ugly. And makes finding anything, unless you know the package name
 and version, harder. It also makes it hard to write convenience
 scripts; the script needs to be able to parse the catalog to know
 where the DTD's are. 

        I think we can get the best of both word by specifying a
 single set of directories, and letting packages achive that by
 symlinking from wherever they wish into /usr/share/sgml/{dtd,entities,...}

        I find this structure easier to navigate (I know off hand
 where stylesheets are, on my machine, and it is far easier for the
 user to browse them). 

        Espescially since there has not been a good reason to do so: I
 would prefer capturing the version information in the file name,
 rather than the directory structure, based on teh same arguments that
 we have a consolidate bin directory rather than a plethora of bin

        I would even be willing to go to allowing large apllications 
 to have their own subdirectory under /usr/share/sgml/dtd/, somewhat
 like the dispensation given to X11 (/usr/bin/X11/ directories, for

 The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
 substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Carl Jung
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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