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Re: [PROPOSAL] Chapter 15. Users & Groups: mininal UID for normal Users

Previously Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
> Let me raise a broader question.  Why is this in the LSB specification
> at all?  It's good practice for the distributions to follow, no doubt,
> but I don't think its within the scope of LSB, since how user groups are
> chosen is generally a matter of local sysadmin policy, and is generally
> irrelevant as far as application/distribution interoperability is
> concerned.  

Agreed. I also have this strong deja-vu feeling we had this discussion
before and decided that instead of dictating ranges we would instead
define an interface where those ranged can be configured so everyone
can choose their own. That makes a lot of sense, since we can never
agree on any rule that doesn't violate lots of existing setups.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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