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Re: (docbook-tools) What have we done so far ?

>>"Jorge" == Jorge Godoy <godoy@conectiva.com.br> writes:

 Jorge> Karl, you didn't understand me. I was asking the difference of
 Jorge> having 20 direcotries in the /usr/share/sgml and in
 Jorge> /usr/share/sgml/dtds.

        Currently, I have a single directrory. /usr/lib/sgml.dtd (soon to
 become /usr/share/sgml/dtd/) with 61 DTD's in there. I have
 html. xhtml. docbook (several versions) debiandoc, and linuxdoc stuff
 in there. 

        Andthis machine does not have all my XML based DTD's that I am
 rapidly having to use.
 Jorge> I don't think that it will be too crowded because there'll be no need
 Jorge> to use lots of DTDs. Suppose that you use 20 different DTDs and 5 or 6
 Jorge> stylesheets. It will be less than 30 directories there. And I don't
 Jorge> know anybody who uses 20 DTDs with enough frequence!! That's too
 Jorge> much. 

        And, of course, no one needs more than 640Kb Memory either ;-)

        Are we looking for a standard for docbook, or is this supposed
 to be a general SGML/XML standard? 

        I think we should not be that short sighted when creating a
 standard that is supposed to have a half life or more than a few
 months. If the standard is not designed to accomodate several hundred
 DTD's, it is not going to be adopted.

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