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Status Report

Well, last Friday I finally got my bound version of the Single UNIX
Specification, version 2 (aka UNIX98). OK, so it's actually more like 6 or
7 bound volumes, but let's not nitpick. Anyway, with these handy (and of
course I came to work today without), I hope to have some sort of
preliminary document on things within the next couple of weeks. I think it
is really doable to make LSB UNIX98-compliant. Everyone's main concern
seems to be STREAMS, which, at my first glances over the weekend, appears
to be part of an optional feature set. So even without STREAMS, it should
be possible to have at least a UNIX98 base compliant standard (I think - I
will have to double check when I get home as to whether STREAMS really is
optional). Also, I am still wading through glibc-2.0 to get all the
symbols by hand (glibc is BIG!!!), my working page is:


For some reason things aren't working with Server Side Includes, so a
bunch of stuff might not work.

| Jakob 'sparky' Kaivo        |          jake@nodomainname.net |
| NoDomainName Networks       |    http://www.nodomainname.net |

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