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Building a sample for Itanium

I'd really like to build a "sample implementation"
for Itanium, but I can't currently do so.

(a) the "old" sample has a bunch of srpms that are
missing crucial information to even get to first
base - probably the OpenLinux LSB rpm macros.
These are alluded to in the readme, but not provided.
There are probably other issues behind that, but
as it is, rpm complains bitterly when being asked
to rebuild any of the srpms - my Intanium distro
is Red Hat, if it's of interest.

(b) the "new", LFS-based, sample won't build as-is:
the included gcc does not contain Itanium support,
and if the gcc is replaced with a new one, other
issues arise.  Last effort (a bit over two weeks
ago), I got most of the way there, with two packages -
ncurses and groff - needing some patches for that
gcc version that I haven't found yet (a number
of other packages won't link due to ncurses, so
there may be a few more issues I haven't gotten to yet).

Has anyone had success with either of these two

If not, any suggestions for me?  

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