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LSB-si: ncurses with gcc 3.1

I've located the patchset necessary to
let ncurses build correctly with gcc 3.1.
The released 5.2 code is not "c++ standards
clean" and 3.1 tips over on that.

I don't know quite enough about how the
LFS model works, this patchset is issued
periodically as a "rollup patch" but it's
not a patchfile, it's a shell script.

Can we apply patches by running a shell
script?  If so, I'll supply the rollup patch
(the latest is 20020427, and I've got no
idea how to separate out just the bits that
would make things build under 3.1).

If not, I guess the best idea is simply to
bundle up the patched tree and use that as
the ncurses base - that's what I did to
confirm it would indeed build.


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