lsbdev 1.1.2-1
I've uploaded a new version of lsbdev to:
There is now an IA64 binary rpm available in addition to the IA32 and
source rpms. The IA64 version has not yet been well tested (it
compiles a "hello world" program which runs correctly).
Changes include:
* Synchronises with latest LSB header files and stub libraries
* Adds dynamic gcc spec file mangling
* Removes default users from config file
* Support for IA64 added
* Allow for sshd not to be run even if on system through
configuration of lsbdev.conf
* Handle importation libopcode for the assembler on IA64
(Mats Wichmann)
* Add LGPL license
* Fix bug in lsbdev init script status option (Matt Taggart)
* Adds removal of stub libraries to clean target (Matt Taggart)
Future announcements about this package will only be made to the new mailing list. Please send any comments
or bugs to that list.
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