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Re: LSB command lsb_release

Previously George Kraft/Austin/IBM wrote:
> The source can be found at:
> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/src/bin/lsb_release-1.0/?cvsroot=lsb

I noticed that source has a bzip2 compress files in CVS, which is a Bad Thing.
Can someone please remove it and add an uncompressed version instead?

Also, it uses bash-ism while it uses /bin/sh as shell, which means it will
break for anyone who doesn't use bash as /bin/sh. Please make sure that
all such scripts are tested in a more minimal shell like ash before

I also noted the copyright has been assigned to the FSF and it claims
to be a GNU tool instead of a LSB tool, is that intentional? I wasn't
aware of LSB being a GNU or FSF project.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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