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Re: gopher.feedle.net is now gopher.661.org

On 2018-05-04 02:32 +0000, David Griffith wrote:
> For technical reasons, my gopher server at gopher.feedle.net is now at 
> gopher.661.org.  The server shat itself last night and I spun up a new VM. 
> Feedle is indisposed for around another week, so I open to change the 
> domain from feedle.net to my own at 661.org.
> This means that the gopher-based IF Archive mirror is now at 
> gopher://gopher.661.org/1/if-archive/


The last item in your root menu is

#1Traditional UMN Home Gopher   /       gopher.tc.umn.edu       70

It looks like you tried to comment it out but it still shows up, with #
as the itemtype.

Additionally, with OverbiteFF (version 3.1, 1695 on Seamonkey Navigator
2.49), clicking with the middle mouse button on this menu item (or
selecting "open in new tab" from the context menu) sometimes shows the
"Usually menus are itemtype 1. Would you like the browser to fix this
for you?" message. If I choose OK, the "address not found" error shows
up in the *current* tab (a new tab is opened but it is empty).

This might be actually an issue with the browser, as there are occasions
when things open in the wrong tab[1], but that usually involves slow DNS
responses or very fast tab switching.

[1] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1215809

Nuno Silva

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