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Re: Hey-Hoy!

I've written a Gopher Server wrapper for Oddmuse and use it for my personal wiki. [1]
Then I got interested in adding a TLS layer and did that, so this should also work. [2]
I needed some clients to test it, so I added TLS to the Emacs Gopher client. [3]
Right now this branch only does everything using TLS, there is no switching back and forth.
I would have liked to work on that, but then I saw a new command-line client written in Python. [4]
I added TLS to VF-1. Basically users get a switch "all connections are unencrypted" or "all connections are encrypted." [5]
But I should go back to the Emacs Gopher client and add such a switch, too.
I really wanted to find the Gophernicus sources but all I found was three or four year old sources on Github. [10]
I wanted to see whether the TLS I added to clients would work with other Gopher servers.

Then I got distracted by the idea of having a Wiki working over Gopher and I proposed a new "write" item which allows you to upload a file. [6]
I added that to VF-1, on a different branch. [7]
I added it to the Emacs Gopher client, too. [8]

There has been a lot of discussion of Gopher on Mastodon. [9]

[1] gopher://alexschroeder.ch:70
[2] gophers://alexschroeder.ch:7443
[3] https://github.com/kensanata/gopher.el/tree/ssl
[4] https://github.com/solderpunk/VF-1
[5] https://github.com/kensanata/VF-1/tree/ssl
[6] https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/2017-12-30_Gopher_Wiki
[7] https://github.com/kensanata/VF-1/tree/write
[8] https://github.com/kensanata/gopher.el/tree/write
[9] e.g. https://octodon.social/tags/gopher
[10] https://github.com/prologic/gophernicus

On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 4:22 PM, Kim Holviala <kimholviala@fastmail.com> wrote:
What’s happening with gopher lately? I’m too lazy to look at the archives so I’ll just ask :-)

As for me… I was in prison for a while because the local customs thought I was the biggest drug lord ever in the history of Finland - unfortunately for them I was just a slightly alcoholic nerd coding highly suspicious “C" projects in my free time :D. “Gopher” must have an alternative meaning, right? Can’t be that old protocol - must have something to do with drugs, right? :D :D :D

This is me: https://www.deepdotweb.com/2017/11/10/finnish-police-quietly-seize-darknet-imageboard/

Also - does anyone happen to have the latest sources (git repo clone) to Gophernicus? I had some things I needed to fix but the original sources have been all confiscated for being part of the suspected drug ring I apparently ran LOL OMG WTF :D

- Kim

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