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Re: [gopher] Should we be mirroring Gopher sites via FTP?

Security is relative. I would not want to connect to my bank, or a shopping site via HTTP for example, but perusing a static informational page via a plaintext protocol doesn't bother me. Gopher itself is plaintext and mirroring content via ftp seems logical. Others have mentioned steps that can be taken to secure older protocols if it is deemed attractive such as use of TOR or clients attaching to a VPN to obfuscate the connection from ISPs and other entities (and even if someone hosts out in the open, these choices are still available to everyone wishing to consume the data). Basically it all comes down to the suitability of the content for being hosted in the clear.

TLDR; in my opinion, sure, go for it.

On a related topic, the thing that bugs me about the wide adoption of HTTPS on the WWW is the cost. Free certs are logically seen as insecure, just as a modern browser will call an HTTP site insecure. The price of a cert poses a barrier. A wife, three kids (the oldest and costliest is 20), a mortgage, and a car payment keeps myself from buying a certificate. The other thing that bothers me is the tying back of my site to my personage. The internet of my youth was an anonymous affair. I do not engage in illegal activities, but I have an intense dislike of scrutiny. Can anyone punch a hole in what I have typed in this paragraph? Please do: what am I missing?


15. Sep 2017 03:03 by jaruzel@jaruzel.com:

Hi All,

Reading today, about the news that Chrome will now be flagging FTP sites
as insecure[1] which is obviously the first step to depreciating
support, and seeing that debian and kernel.org no longer support their
FTP archives[2], should those of us hosting (or in my case planning to
host) large respositories of older files and data via Gopher, also be
thinking about hosting it via anonymous FTP ?

[2] https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/04/27/debian_to_turn_off_ftp

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