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Re: [gopher] New Cross-Platform Gopher GUI Client

Hi Kevin,

Not knowing much about Lazarus on OS X; what I don't get is why the font rendering is so terrible? Shouldn't it be using native widgets? Maybe yeah let's see what effect adding the native font selection dialogue gives us?

Thanks for caring about the 'lil 'ol blind folks :)


On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Kevin Veroneau <kevin@veroneau.net> wrote:
Hi James,

  I was thinking of adding a menu to select from various font sizes for the content.  I'll need to see how the tree view could be rendered with a larger font and see how that effects the icons and general usability.  Lazarus appears to also include access to the OSes native select font dialogue window, so I can see about making it fully customizable by including this.

  Thanks for testing it regardless.  The next release will for sure include more accessibility options.  Let me know what you think overall.  Networking isn't yet done in a separate thread, so downloading and accessing resources does still hang the GUI. :(  a download manager will soon be added too.

Best Regards,
  Kevin Veroneau

Sent from my BlackBerry Priv - the most secure mobile device - via the TELUS Network

  Original Message  
Sent:September 1, 2016 11:22 AM
Subject:Re: [gopher] New Cross-Platform Gopher GUI Client

Hey Kevin,

What about decent accessibility support? :) By that I simply mean how the fonts are being rendered or the fonts themselves make it quite hard for a vision impaired person such as myself to use! When zoomed in (OS X -> System Preferences -> Accessibility -> Zoom) it's quite hard to read any of the content in the client :/ Very very blurry :)

I'll nonetheless test out the latest update though!


James Mills / prologic

E: prologic@shortcircuit.net.au
W: prologic.shortcircuit.net.au

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 7:40 PM, Kevin Veroneau <kevin@veroneau.net> wrote:
Hello All!

  As promised there is a new update which adds many new features.  It seems my
phone's email client doesn't properly send email messages, I apologize for

  I'll bring up the new updates again in this more text/plain email message...

  This new version now sports a customizable search bar on the upper right,
just like Firefox and Mozilla browser products.  Now you can easily search
either Veronica-2 or Gopherpedia directly without needing to bookmark their
page or navigate gopherspace -- Just enter your query and hit the button!
Works like magic and brings modern browser search to the gopher world.

  I also updated the default font size on OS X, so now it should be much much
easier to read and use.  :)  Let me know what you think.

  Lazarus for OS X does support cross-compiling into PPC object code,
unfortunately when I did try, it didn't compile.  I will be working with the
Lazarus forums for help on getting it to compile for PPC, so stay tuned for a
PPC build.

  Today I also took a few minutes to create a demo video of the Gopher client,
and am uploading it to YouTube now.  I will also upload the FLOSS complient
OGV file into my Gopherspace soon as well.  You can find the YouTube video once
it completes here:  https://youtu.be/NnQjtkfz5Ms

  As always, any feedback is great.  I want to make this the most modern and
useful cross-platform gopher client around.

On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 03:30:27 PM Kevin Veroneau wrote:
> <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-src
> 'self'; img-src * data:;"></head><body style="line-height: initial;
> background-image: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><div
> id="response_container" style="outline: none" contenteditable="false">
> <div name="BB10" dir="auto" style="width: 100%; font-size: initial;
> font-family: Calibri, &quot;Slate Pro&quot;, sans-serif, sans-serif;
> color: rgb(31, 73, 125); padding: initial; text-align: initial;
> background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Hello all;</div><div name="BB10"
> id="BB10_response_div" dir="auto" style="width: 100%; font-size: initial;
> font-family: Calibri, &quot;Slate Pro&quot;, sans-serif, sans-serif;
> color: rgb(31, 73, 125); padding: initial; text-align: initial;
> background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><br></div><div name="BB10"
> id="BB10_response_div" dir="auto" style="width: 100%; font-size: initial;
> font-family: Calibri, &quot;Slate Pro&quot;, sans-serif, sans-serif;
> color: rgb(31, 73, 125); padding: initial; text-align: initial;
> background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">&nbsp; A new update this
> evening(within the next 5 hours) will enable a search bar similar to what
> you see on the infamous Firefox and Mozilla browsers. &nbsp;This will
> enable quick searching of Gopherspace and Gopherpedia with just a single
> click away! &nbsp;Future updates will also enable the ability to add
> custom searches to this box for your other favourite gopher type 7s merely
> by right-clicking a gopher type 7 in the tree view and click "Add to
> search bar".</div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div" dir="auto"
> style="width: 100%; font-size: initial; font-family: Calibri, &quot;Slate
> Pro&quot;, sans-serif, sans-serif; color: rgb(31, 73, 125); padding:
> initial; text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255,
> 255);"><br></div><div name="BB10" id="BB10_response_div" dir="auto"
> style="width: 100%; font-size: initial; font-family: Calibri, &quot;Slate
> Pro&quot;, sans-serif, sans-serif; color: rgb(31, 73, 125); padding:
> initial; text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">As
> for OS X PPC support, it seems that it's entirely possible. &nbsp;Lazarus
> actually comes on OS X with this ability in the compiler. &nbsp;I will try
> this out in the new version.</div>
>                   <div name="BB10" dir="auto" style="width: 100%;
> font-size: initial; font-family: Calibri, &quot;Slate Pro&quot;,
> sans-serif, sans-serif; color: rgb(31, 73, 125); padding: initial;
> text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> <br
> style="display:initial"></div>                            <div
> id="blackberry_signature" name="BB10" dir="auto">     <div name="BB10"
> dir="auto" style="font-size: initial; font-family: Calibri, &quot;Slate
> Pro&quot;, sans-serif, sans-serif; color: rgb(31, 73, 125); padding:
> initial; text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Sent
> from my BlackBerry Priv - the most secure mobile device - via the TELUS
> Network</div>                                        </div></div><div
> id="_original_msg_header">
>                  <table width="100%" style="border-spacing: 0px; display:
> table; outline: none; background-color: white;" contenteditable="false">
> <tbody><tr><td colspan="2" style="padding: initial; font-size: initial;
> text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
>             <div style="border-right: none; border-bottom: none;
> border-left: none; border-top: 1pt solid rgb(181, 196, 223); padding: 3pt
> 0in 0in; font-family: Tahoma, &quot;BB Alpha Sans&quot;, &quot;Slate
> Pro&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">  <div
> id="from"><b>From:</b>Barana24@hotmail.com</div><div
> id="sent"><b>Sent:</b>August 29, 2016 4:48 AM</div><div
> id="to"><b>To:</b>gopher-project@lists.alioth.debian.org</div><div
> id="reply_to"><b>Reply-to:</b>gopher-project@lists.alioth.debian.org</div>
> <div id="subject"><b>Subject:</b>Re: [gopher] New Cross-Platform Gopher GUI
> Client</div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="border-right:
> none; border-bottom: none; border-left: none; border-top: 1pt solid
> rgb(186, 188, 209); display: block; padding: initial; font-size: initial;
> text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></div> <br>
> </div><!--start of _originalContent --><div name="BB10" dir="auto"
> style="line-height: initial; outline: none; background-image: initial;"
> contenteditable="false">
> <div dir="ltr">
> <div
> style="font-size:12pt;color:#000000;background-color:#ffffff;font-family:'
> calibri' , 'arial' , 'helvetica' , sans-serif"> <p>you have a tester
> waiting here for os 10.4.11 ppc.<br>
> </p>
> <br>
> <br>
> <div style="color:rgb( 0 , 0 , 0 )">
> <hr style="display:inline-block;width:98%">
> <div dir="ltr"><font style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000" face="Calibri,
> sans-serif"><b>From:</b> Gopher-Project
> &lt;gopher-project-bounces+barana24=hotmail.com@lists.alioth.debian.org&gt
> ; on behalf of James Mills &lt;prologic@shortcircuit.net.au&gt;<br>
> <b>Sent:</b> Monday, 29 August 2016 1:33 PM<br>
> <b>To:</b> Gopher Project Discussion<br>
> <b>Subject:</b> Re: [gopher] New Cross-Platform Gopher GUI Client</font>
> <div>&nbsp;</div>
> </div>
> <div>
> <div dir="ltr">Sounds good! Btw if you have a Macbook with OS X turn on the
> Zoom feature in Accessibility and try ot use your Gopher client/app with
> zoomed in display. <div><br>
> </div>
> <div>:)</div>
> </div>
> <div style="display: block;" class="elided-text"><br clear="all">
> <div>
> <div><span style="border-collapse:collapse;color:rgb( 136 , 136 , 136
> );font-size:13px"><br> <font face="arial, sans-serif">James Mills /
> prologic</font><br>
> <br>
> <font face="arial, sans-serif"></font><font face="'courier new',
> monospace">E:&nbsp;<a href="" href="mailto:prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au"
> style="color:rgb( 0 , 0 , 204
> )">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au</a></font></span> <div><span
> style="font-family:'courier new' , monospace;color:rgb( 136 , 136 , 136
> );font-size:13px">W:&nbsp;</span><a
> href="" href="http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au" style="font-family:'courier
> new' , monospace;font-size:13px;color:rgb( 0 , 0 , 204
> )">prologic.shortcircuit.net.au</a><br> </div>
> </div>
> </div>
> <br>
> <div style="display: block;" class="elided-text">On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at
> 3:11 PM, Kevin Veroneau <span dir="ltr"> &lt;<a
> href="" href="mailto:kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net</a>&gt;</span>
> wrote:<br> <blockquote style="margin:0 0 0 0.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc
> solid;padding-left:1ex"> That's great to hear. :)&nbsp; I have a new
> update which I released into the source<br> repo, but not all the binaries
> are updated yet as I need to go through all my<br> development
> environments here to build the project and upload them into my<br>
> Gopherspace.<br>
> <br>
> Now that most of the main gopher functionality is present, I can start
> doing<br> work on the usability and accessible functions, such as font
> sizes and a<br> proper threaded download manager. :)<br>
> <div>
> <div><br>
> On Sunday, August 28, 2016 01:32:12 AM James Mills wrote:<br>
> &gt; Good news! Your latest binaries are working okay now. No more
> "hanging".<br> &gt;<br>
> &gt; Fonts are still very blurred though :)<br>
> &gt;<br>
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; James Mills / prologic<br>
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; E: <a
> href="" href="mailto:prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au</a
> ><br> &gt; W: <a href="" href="http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au">
> prologic.shortcircuit.net.au</a><br>
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 7:09 PM, Kevin Veroneau &lt;<a
> href="" href="mailto:kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net</a>&gt; wrote:<br>
> &gt; &gt; A REALLY BIG update!<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; All binaries on my GopherSpace have also been updated to the
> latest<br> &gt; &gt; versions<br>
> &gt; &gt; as well.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; *** What's new ***<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* Full Bookmark support!&nbsp; Bookmarks are saved
> into a local file in<br> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;Gopher<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; Menu format.&nbsp; So if you know the Gopher protocol, you can
> edit the<br> &gt; &gt; bookmark file.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* Support for many more GopherTypes, search, and
> binary.<br> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* Ability to save the image you are
> viewing to your local<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; disk(Right-click<br>
> &gt; &gt; menu).<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* Ability to download supported GopherTypes to local
> disk,<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; Text/Image/Binary<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* You can now close previously opened GopherNodes in
> the tree view.<br> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* Updated icons, taken from the
> Emerald GPL iconset.<br> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* You can now resize the
> middle divider.<br> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;* Many bug fixes and improved
> stability.<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;I wouldn't recommend downloading uber large binary
> files on a slow<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; connection<br>
> &gt; &gt; as threading AKA a download manager which runs in the background
> isn't<br> &gt; &gt; yet implemented, so downloads do hang the GUI.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;Attached is a screenshot from my Linux workstation, I
> tried to snapshot<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; the<br>
> &gt; &gt; right-click context menu in the tree view, but KSnapshot doesn't
> do that.<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt;&nbsp; &nbsp;Anyways, let me know what you think of this update
> and the project<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; overall.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 11:58:44 PM Kevin Veroneau
> wrote:<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; Hmm, not entirely sure what is causing that
> Access Violation, I had<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; that problem during initial
> development which ended up slowing down<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; development.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt;&nbsp; I will look further into that.<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; Font options would be something I will definately look
> into.<br> &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; I updated the Source code to enable GopherType 7 and h, so
> now<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; Veronica-2 works, as well as most gopherholes which
> use the search<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; type.&nbsp; Initial support for the 'h'
> type has also been added, however I<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; am trying to<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; debug<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; how to make the "data:" protocol which some gopherpages use
> work<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; properly.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; These updates are not available in the binary images yet, I
> will make<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; an updated set of binaries tomorrow evening
> after I get more working.<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; :)<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 11:10:22 PM James Mills
> wrote:<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Okay... So running from
> /Applications/gopher.app/<wbr>Contents/MacOS works<br> &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; $ ./gopher<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I've run into several stack-traces though (Access
> Violation -- pascal<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; days coming back to me!)<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; e.g: <a
> href="" href="https://gist.github.com/5a7011f0c987ebf7db849169e14a8c59" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://gist.github.com/5a7011f0c987ebf7db849169e14a8c59">
> https://gist.github.com/<wbr>5a7011f0c987ebf7db849169e14a8c<wbr>59</a><br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Also fonts are terrible on OS X (btw). I typically use
> OS X's buitin<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; accessibility zoom (because I'm
> legally blind) and whatever fonts or<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; however
> content is being rendered in the gopher client is really bad<br> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; :(<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; cheers<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; James<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; James Mills / prologic<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; E: <a
> href="" href="mailto:prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au</a
> ><br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; W: <a href="" href="http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au">
> prologic.shortcircuit.net.au</a><br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 10:05 PM, James Mills<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &lt;<a
> href="" href="mailto:prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au</a
> >&gt;<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; wrote:<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Sorry that was my blindness there :P You are right
> about where it<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; connects to by default (or
> tries to).<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; But yeah this is totally not working; let me try
> to dig in to<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; why...<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; James Mills / prologic<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; E: <a
> href="" href="mailto:prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au</a
> ><br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; W: <a
> href="" href="http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au">
> prologic.shortcircuit.net.au</a><br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 9:55 PM, Kevin
> Veroneau<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &lt;<a
> href="" href="mailto:kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net</a>&gt;<br> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; wrote:<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; That's odd, it's currently set to load <a
> href="" href="http://gopher.veroneau.net" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://gopher.veroneau.net"> gopher.veroneau.net</a> by<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; default.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; I haven't seen the not responding on any of
> the platforms I tested<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; it<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; on, not<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; sure what's going on there.&nbsp; I only
> noticed a crash if there was<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; no
> network<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; available.<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; You can run the binary from a Terminal if you
> run it from inside<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; the Application
> bundle.&nbsp; It might display some sort of output<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt;&gt; there.<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; This<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; is my<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; first time building an OS X app bundle, so
> maybe something in the<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; plist is
> incorrect.<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 10:47:28 PM
> James Mills wrote:<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; So one major
> issue right now )blocker):<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; a) Open App<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; b) It loads <a
> href="" href="http://vernica.floodgap.com" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://vernica.floodgap.com"> vernica.floodgap.com</a> by default
> (fine)<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; c) Spins -- Not Responding (not
> responsive to GUI events,<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;
> spinning<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; wheel)<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; Looking at process stats:<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; consistent ~2.7% CPU util, 2 threads<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; Should I just keep waiting? Or is there a
> bug?<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; cheers<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; James<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; James Mills / prologic<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; E: <a
> href="" href="mailto:prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au">prologic@shortcircuit.net.au</a
> ><br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; W: <a
> href="" href="http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au">
> prologic.shortcircuit.net.au</a><br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 9:44 PM, Kevin
> Veroneau &lt;<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="mailto:kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net">kevin@veroneau.net</a>&gt;<br> &gt;
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; wrote:<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; Cameron,&nbsp; it might be possible
> to compile a version for Mac OS<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;
> X 10.4, looking<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; at the compatibility page, it looks
> like FPC 2.6.4 and Lazarus<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;
> 1.2.6<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; can<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; build<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; for OS X 10.4.<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="http://wiki.freepascal.org/Installing_Lazarus_on_MacOS_X#Com" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://wiki.freepascal.org/Installing_Lazarus_on_MacOS_X#Com">
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/<wbr>Installing_Lazarus_on_MacOS_X#<wbr>Com</a>
> <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; patibility<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; Once this Gopher client has matured
> enough, and you have about<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; an<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; hour to<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; spare, you can try installing Xcode
> and Lazarus onto OS X 10.4<br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; and<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; running the<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; compile process.&nbsp; There is only
> one Lazarus package needed<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;
> other than<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; the<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; base<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; Lazarus components and that is
> TurboPowerIPro which is used<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;
> for the<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; HTML<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; widget.&nbsp; Even if this isn't
> compatible with needed version of<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; Lazarus, we<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; could just replace it with a
> different widget.<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; On Wednesday, August 24, 2016
> 10:25:41 PM Cameron Kaiser wrote:<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; &gt; Ooops I think you have a packaging problem.<br> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; OS X 10.11.6 (El Captain)
> is unable to open the DMG.<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt; The error is "unrecognized disk image".<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; It doesn't open on 10.4 either,
> though I strongly suspect<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;
> the binary isn't PowerPC compatible.<br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;
> ______________________________<wbr>_________________<br> &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; Gopher-Project mailing list<br> &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="mailto:Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.
> alioth.<wbr>debian.org</a><br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/goph" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/goph">
> http://lists.alioth.debian.<wbr>org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/<wbr>goph</a>
> <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; er-project<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;
> ______________________________<wbr>_________________<br> &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt;&gt; Gopher-Project mailing list<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; <a
> href="" href="mailto:Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.
> alioth.<wbr>debian.org</a><br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; <a
> href="" href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/">
> http://lists.alioth.debian.<wbr>org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/</a><br> &gt;
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; gopher-project<br>
> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; ______________________________<wbr>_________________<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; Gopher-Project mailing list<br>
> &gt; &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="mailto:Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.
> alioth.<wbr>debian.org</a><br> &gt; &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-proje" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-proje
> ct">
> http://lists.alioth.debian.<wbr>org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/<wbr>gopher-p
> roject</a><br> &gt; &gt;<br>
> &gt; &gt; ______________________________<wbr>_________________<br>
> &gt; &gt; Gopher-Project mailing list<br>
> &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="mailto:Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.
> alioth.<wbr>debian.org</a><br> &gt; &gt; <a
> href="" href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-proje" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-proje
> ct">
> http://lists.alioth.debian.<wbr>org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/<wbr>gopher-p
> roject</a><br> <br>
> ______________________________<wbr>_________________<br>
> Gopher-Project mailing list<br>
> <a
> href="" href="mailto:Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debian.org">Gopher-Project@lists.
> alioth.<wbr>debian.org</a><br> <a
> href="" href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-proje" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gopher-proje
> ct">http://lists.alioth.debian.<wbr>org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/<wbr>gophe
> r-project</a><br> </div>
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