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Re: [gopher] prologic/gopherclient

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 9:25 AM, <denis.bernard@laposte.net> wrote:
Dear James Mills,

Hi Danis :)
I spent lot of time trying to compile your gopherclient and, if I solved some issues, it is not a success.

First, my computer run Gentoo Linux. Second, I never played with golang...

I loaded Gentoo packages for Go language and compiled them. (With Gentoo distro, no binaries : you have to compile everything...) I followed your instructions and I encountered a problem with the importation of "gopkg.in/qml.v1/webengine" (lines 16-17 in main.go). I solved this using a fork on Github and replacing lines 16-17 of main by :


This should be solved. I vendored a forked version of qo-qml. As long as you have Go 1.6+ this should *just work* with:

$ go get github.com/prologic/gopherclient

The second problem was about the lack of QTWebEngine on my computer. I compiled the available version for Gentoo Linux : QTWebEngine-5.6.1 . The compilation time was of 15 hours under my dual core Intel... I noticed, this morning, your new announce on the gopher project's list what you say about this requirement !

This is a major PITA. When I embarked on tis project I did not realize at first what a pain QTWebEngine would be. Obviously it's packaged nicely (via Homebrew) for OS X. I belive someone informed me there *are* in fact packages for Ubuntu if you look hard enough.
Finally, I compiled my modified version of Gopherclient. It was achieved successfully, without any warning. As you said in your README, running gopherclient directly make it crash. Running it with the command GODEBUG=cgocheck=0 doesn't crash it. But, only an empty GTK window is launched ! On the terminal, there is a Gtk-WARNING : Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita".

This is strange and I'm unclear why GTK is at play here? This is QT afterall? Maybe my Linux Desktop experience is a little rusty :)
All those jobs were done under the lowest user's Posix right permissions. Not as super user. Under Linux systems, permissions are terrible ! And I am so ignorant of golang that I am unable to install a software written in Go language in the proper directories using superuser's Posix rights. Under simple user's Posix rights, it seems me easier to do. However as I tried to shift the binary and files (like main.qml and images directory) in the Go Root tree (/usr/lib/go), I had failures due unrecognised paths !

I also solved this as well by packaging assets/resources into the binary using QT Resources (QRC). This should work as expected without any special permissions or anything.
Thank you so much for your hard valiant efforts in trying to comile this on Gentoo! I would greatyly apprecate further efforts trying to get gopherclient working on LInux! I have a friend also trying to get it working on CRUX (also a source-based sitro much like Gentoo) and I myself am still trying to get it working/comiled on Ubuntu (usig virtual machines/containers).

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