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[gopher] Pages of Star Wars content now available in Gopherspace!

Hello everyone!

  I have a wonderful new, and rather large update for everybody!  I have put 
together a full database of everything Star Wars, with information about each 
of the Films, Characters, Planets, Species, Starships, and the various 
Vehicles in the movie series.  There are no spoilers here, just good old geeky 
statistics!  Such as diameter and orbital period of Alderaan, information 
you'd never need in real-life, but are still interesting to read about.  These 
are sourced from official sources, such as the movies, or the official video 

  There is a link to it on my main gopherspace: gopher://gopher.veroneau.net/ 
or you can access it directly from this link: 

  It does use a backend database to create the relations from each item, so 
please be patient if it's a bit slow while browsing at times.  It shouldn't be 
painfully slow, but depending on the data being queried, it can be at times.

  This is still in beta, so there might be bugs in the code here and there, if 
you notice any, please let me know and I will fix it.

  Due to the data being displayed, all of the pages are gopher type 1.  You 
will understand why this was done when you begin browsing the collection.

  I am also planning on adding a search feature, where you can search for more 
specific information, such as all starships that have a hyperdrive rating above 
3 for example.  So look forward to a full featured search coming soon.

  Anyways, I do hope everyone enjoys this new addition to gopherspace!

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