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Re: [gopher] Running a MUD, was: Re: cgod - a new prototype gopher daemon

Am Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:01:16 -0700
schrieb Kevin Veroneau <kevin@veroneau.net>:

> Looks like I'm a missing a message or two here for some reason or
> another.
> Anyways, for the actual MUD server development I was thinking of
> using the rather awesome Python MUD framework called Evennia.  Since
> everyone here seems to know at least some degree of Python(It's the
> most talked about language since I joined this list), it seems like a
> rather nice choice.  Evennia, I found was both powerful and fun to
> work with.  The actually coding of game objects is therefore done
> server-side rather than using a MUD client.  Although, building can
> still be done on the client(@dig, and @create).
> So my idea was to host a souce code repository somewhere which anyone
> in the gopher community can grab and try adding new object, enemies,
> etc...  Then the object code can either be committed to SCM or the
> required Python classes be emailed to the individual who decided to
> host the server.  Since this is Python code, the code should be
> confirmed for any security type issues before being pasted and loaded
> into the MUD server.
Generally speaking, I'd consider having a source code repository (as in
version control system) a must for about anything that might get
changed over time. Together with a "commit early, commit often"
approach this makes life so much easier.

Also, the mentioning of testing and security checks IMHO does apply to
any code and is not specific to Python. Having a separate testbed
somewhere (basically a copy of the MUD server, not necessarily publicly
accessible) looks to me like a pretty good idea.

> You can take a look at the server software here(Sorry it's not on
> Gopher): http://www.evennia.com/
> So, if we want to go through with this, we'll need to determine the
> following:
> * Should we go with Evennia or a more traditional server?

I just had a look at it and tried installing it on my server. Will
need some more work though as I need to install some of the
prerequisites and have to find the right packages...
The mention of Evennia came just in time as I was about to setup a
HomeMUD anyways and was not sure what to choose. So I'll give it a try
anyways, even though I still don't know any python.

> * Who is going to be the server God?(The person hosting the server)?

There's hardly any different solution IMHO. From my understanding, the
MUD server god needs at least shell access on the host machine with
sufficient rights, especially if the server is supposed to listen on
port 23. In principle, this could someone else than the person hosting
the server, and it might be good to have a few trusted people that
could restart the server if the need arises, so it is not a strict
requirement. But personally, I wouldn't want someone else running a
server on MY hardware without me at least being able to have a close
look at it.

> * Who here is creative and can think of a backstory and setting?

>From what I see, this can be a pretty sketchy idea. I think it will
evolve over time anyways, based on what those individuals that actually
design the world have in mind.

> * Who here is willing to help out with creating the rooms and objects?

I would have a stab at it. If we go for Evennia, I'll have to get top
terms with python though, so the learning curve is going to be pretty
steep for me.

> * Who here has exceptional Python coding skills to code the actions
> for rooms, objects, and players?(If we use Evennia)
Exceptional python coding skills essentially would exclude me for quite
some time at least. I'd have a try however at having a second look at
the code to check it.

> More than one person can do any specific task, with the exception of
> server hosting.  Feel free to make additional suggestions.

It's certainly a good idea to spread the work over many shoulders.

Best regards,

Gopher-Project mailing list

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