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[gopher] WWW to Gopher proxy

It had to be done... Too long we've been watching the ongoing march of Gopher to WWW proxies and the damage they do to the world we're living in.

(no, I *don't* live in a basement, that's not the world I'm referring)


(I don't)


Aaaaanyway. Since it's sooo easy for those newfangled www hipsters to browse our sacred gopher land, it's time for us old beards to browse *their* Web six.dot.whatever using the only protocol that makes sense in this crazy modern world.

Ummm... kinda lost the plot here... what was I talking about?

Oh yeah, gopher. Gopher. I think I was talking about Gopher? Right? Right?

So, preseting: I can haz interwebz in gopherz!

Just open up gopher://gophernicus.org and choose the menu entry for the www to gopher proxy. Enter any URL (type it right - it's picky) and watch in awe.

Here are a few examples:


Aaaand. This.


It's Floodgaps gopher site converted to www and back to gopher. It still works...

I *so* rule!

- Kim

PS. If it doesn't work for a particular URL, it's probably because it's denying HTTP 304 redirects... Fiddle a bit with the url and it'll start working.

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