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Re: [gopher] Gopher RFC propositions

On 17/05/2012 19:36, Kim Holviala wrote:
> printf("Hello, World!\n");
> OK, so I've followed teh discussions about the proposed changes to the RFC. To be honest, I've not read of *any* change that would actually make sense. None of the changes proposed are backwards-compatible, and they really don't help the cause at all.
> Say, the MIME thingy; yeah, let's decide that MIMEs are type M. Fine. What then? No client in teh whole universe supports such a filetype. And even if they did support it, why would I use it? I can serve out menus with type 1, text with type 0, html (which is stupid) with type h etc etc. There absolutely *no* need for sending out MIME, ever. Well... except for mailing list messages. But even then Jacob's neat mbox script works way better.
> Anyway.
> What I would like to see is (and I'm always right, so hear me out):
> * what do about teh US-ASCII vs. Latin-1 vs. UTF-8 issue?

Use caps.txt.
> * are PDF's really type "p", or "d" - a definite list of filetypes
I'd use your list and give PDF's (and mboxes) their own filetype.
> * should the server end the transmission with a dot or not?

Server  owner's personal choice, I'd say.

And now for something completely different:

Does anybody know of a way to access NNTP/UUTP without using a server
(my ISP doesn't have one)?

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