[gopher] Re: UI design of the next new gopher client?
The cheapest way to do it would be with a modal dialog, like web
browsers do. A more seamless way might be to add a dialog column to
the column display asking you for a query, then replacing it with the
results when you give it input.
Or maybe you're wondering how to give the column a different query
once it's in your history? I think showing your query in a bar at the
top of the column, with an "edit" button next to it, would be the most
intuitive way to pull that off. Not to say that I'm a professional GUI
designer (it's just something I enjoy thinking about) but it would be
a fun way to browse Gopher.
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 1:31 AM, Cameron Kaiser <spectre@floodgap.com> wrote:
>> I don't think these ideas make good use of Gopher's major differences
>> from the Web. Gopher is not hypertext; it doesn't need the
>> "full-window box" arrangements we have for websites. Since Gopher is a
>> hierarchy, I would imagine a series of columns, with the most recent
>> list you viewed on the right, so that you can glance back at previous
>> pages as you move through the links. Text, images, and HTML, of
>> course, should get a full 80 columns-- perhaps they could be displayed
>> in an adjustable panel beneath the hierarchy, like in e-mail.
>> Something like this would be great for casual browsing:
> A fascinating idea. I like the overall concept. How would you handle things
> like itemtype 7, though?
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