[gopher] Re: Overbite "1.1" -- with Firefox 2.0 support
2008/6/9 Cameron Kaiser <spectre@floodgap.com>:
>> > I have preliminary working results on Windows 98 and Mac OS X 10.2.8 both
>> > running FF, so I present it for your approval:
>> >
>> > gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/9/obff1118.xpi
>> >
>> > If it works fine, please advise and it will be officially installed.
>> I took it for a spin on Firefox (aka Iceweasel) 2.0.14 on Debian etch
>> and everything worked fine.
> Thanks for the data point. I'm going to try it on XP this morning on the
> office PC.
>> > Also, a feature consideration. One thing I did change was to make text/plain
>> > really honestly text/plain, not the text/plain -> text/html conversion that
>> > Mozilla normally does. Do people want this back in a future version, or to
>> > make it a controllable option (like render itemtype 0 link-ified by default
>> > but have a button for "Raw text only")?
>> I have never heard of this Firefox 'feature' before. I think the current
>> behaviour is preferable.
> If you uninstall Overbite and go to an itemtype 0 page with something that
> looks like a URL, like, say,
> gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/0/feeds/voaheadlines/2008/Jun/6/0
> then you will see the page is linkified (in this case the source URL the
> news article was built off).
> The reason that I regard the behaviour as pathological is because it's
> not text/plain anymore; Mozilla has turned it into text/html and you can
> prove it by going to View Source. However, I'm curious if people want to
> have it both ways. As it stands, Overbite does not attempt to linkify
> text/plain and itemtype 0 is passed without modification.
I'm using it with Iceweasel (Debian version of FireFox).
Visually it is a great improvement on the standard Iceweasel/FireFox
rendering of gopher pages, as to the lack of links I'd vote to keep
the text plain - If the document authors had wanted hyper-links they
would of used a format other than plain text wouldn't they?
Question: When can we start talking in public about this (as I for one
have a few questions I'd like to put to the Debian Iceweasel team
about Overbite)?
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