[gopher] Gopher protocol confusion?
As I work to implement my libgopher, I'm kinda confused on what seems to
be an extension to the gopher protocol by pyGopherd.
Here's the results of talking to gopher://castleinfinity.org and
mcasadevall@siren:~/libgopher/build$ telnet gopher.floodgap.com 70
Connected to helsinki.floodgap.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
iWelcome to Floodgap Systems' official gopher server. error.host 1
iFloodgap has been serving the gopher community since error.host 1
i1999 (formerly gopher.ptloma.edu). error.host 1
i error.host 1
iWe run Bucktooth 0.2.4 on inetd as our server system. error.host 1
igopher.floodgap.com is an Apple Power Macintosh 7300 with error.host 1
ia G3/500 processor and 1GB RAM running NetBSD/macppc. error.host 1
iSend questions on server maintenance to error.host 1
i error.host 1
i gopher@floodgap.com error.host 1
i error.host 1
0Does this gopher menu look correct? /gopher/proxy gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(plus using the Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy) error.host 1
i error.host 1
1Getting started with gopher, software, more /gopher gopher.floodgap.com 70
0Using web browsers in Gopherspace /gopher/wbgopher gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(why you shouldn't use Internet Explorer, and other error.host 1
iuseful tips for gopher newbies) error.host 1
1Gopher clients for various platforms /gopher/clients gopher.floodgap.com 70
i error.host 1
1Keep Gopher support in Mozilla Core /gopher/keepcore gopher.floodgap.com 70
iPlease show your support for Gopher by lending your voice. error.host 1
i(updated 21 August 2007) error.host 1
1Floodgap Gopher Statistics Project /gstats gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(monthly traffic analysis of the Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy error.host 1
ifor community advocacy purposes; updates monthly) error.host 1
i error.host 1
1Search Gopherspace with Veronica-2 and VISHNU /v2 gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(updated with robot updates) error.host 1
1All the gopher servers (that we know of) /world gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(updated with robot updates) error.host 1
1New Gopher servers since 1999 /new gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(updated 28 May 2008) error.host 1
i error.host 1
1Weather forecasts via Floodgap Groundhog /groundhog gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(updates occur throughout the day) error.host 1
1News and headline feeds via Flood Feeds /feeds gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(updates occur daily/regularly) error.host 1
i error.host 1
1Mirrors and file archives /archive gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(includes external archives) error.host 1
i error.host 1
1The Bucktooth gopher server /buck gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(version 0.2.4 released 8 April 2008) error.host 1
i error.host 1
1Floodgap Gopher Fun and Games /fun gopher.floodgap.com 70
i(with the Gopher Figlet gateway and Twitpher, error.host 1
ithe Twitter->gopher interface) error.host 1
i error.host 1
1The Floodgap Free Software License /ffsl gopher.floodgap.com 70
0Where's Floodgap? (not for hatemail ;-) /whereis gopher.floodgap.com 70
0"/usr/bin/tail" our gopher server log /recent gopher.floodgap.com 70
0RIP, Master gopher at University of Minnesota /umngone gopher.floodgap.com 70
hFloodgap.com (Web pages) URL:http://www.floodgap.com/ gopher.floodgap.com 70
i error.host 1
iPlease note that this gopher is now an independent error.host 1
ientity and is no longer affiliated with Point Loma error.host 1
iNazarene University. error.host 1
Connection closed by foreign host.
Here's what I get from castleinfinity.org
mcasadevall@siren:~/libgopher/build$ telnet castleinfinity.org 70
Connected to castleinfinity.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
iWelcome to the Castle Infinity Gopher site! fake (NULL) 0
i fake (NULL) 0
iRecent News: fake (NULL) 0
iB36 MR1 released and broke everyone! - mcasadevall (05/28/08) fake (NULL) 0
i fake (NULL) 0
iGame Information: fake (NULL) 0
0What Is It /What_Is_It castleinfinity.org 70 +
0Backstory /Backstory castleinfinity.org 70 +
1Download Castle Infinity /Download castleinfinity.org 70 +
0About Us /About_Us castleinfinity.org 70 +
i fake (NULL) 0
iLinks: fake (NULL) 0
hCastle Infinity Homepage /URL:http://castleinfinity.org castleinfinity.org 70
hOffical Forums /URL:http://castleinfinity.org/forums castleinfinity.org 70
i fake (NULL) 0
Connection closed by foreign host.
What are those freaking +'s. They don't appear in RFC1436 vvv
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