[gopher] Re: GOPHER file format.
Pawel <pawelsz@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:
> It is anything like universal gopher file format ?
No, because the files have whatever format is appropriate for their Type.
The RFC only outlines how the data should be presented upon request,
leaving the details to the server. SDF is using the old UMN gopherd which
has it's own format, different from Bucktooth, Geomyidae, GN, etc. That
said, it seems like many of the gopher servers have a mechanism for serving
up unindexed directories (ie. no .link file in your case) such that you
can just throw a bunch of files in the served directory and most clients
will be able to access them. In many cases files of the name.html form
will have their <title> entry served up as the file description as well.
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