[gopher] Re: Jugtail formerly Jughead
JumpJet uses Windows 2000 (see: gopher://home.jumpjet.info/00\Contact.txt ). For the reason it uses Windows 2000 over other versions of Windows, see:
Eric Newberry <ericnewberry@mirametrics.com> wrote:
You use windows too! What version? I use XP sp2.
----- Original Message -----
From: "JumpJet Mailbox"
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:22 PM
Subject: [gopher] Re: Jugtail formerly Jughead
> How about a port to WIndows? The Windows platform has never had a Gopher
> search engine (or crawler) of any sort, so JumpJet for example is unable
> to index itself.
> Chris wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope everyone had a great Easter.
> First I saw in the archives of emails at quux that what I am announcing
> already was by Benn Newman some time ago. I never saw it neither did a few
> others so, I'll mention it again.
> (thanks Benn btw)
> I would like to announce Jugtail, some of you have no doubt noticed it on:
> http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Gopher/
> It is the GPL'd release of Jughead (name changed for existing trademark
> issues).
> Personally I, for many reasons, am quite happy to see this. Back in 04
> when I was trying to use Jughead to do things it wasn't really designed to
> do I found Mr Jone's new email address. In addition to asking a few
> questions and sending him back his original email questionnaire from
> Jughead I mentioned maybe porting to FreeBSD and perhaps even GPL.
> He was suprised to find people still used gopher and surely didn't expect
> to get his questionnaire back so many years later :)
> It was a short time after that I had the pleasure of emailing back and
> forth a bit with RMS and metioned to him that I thought it would be neat
> if Jughead was a part of the group of GPL'd software.
> Historically important, made back when gopher was "it" and further under
> the license of The University of Utah, which isnt a free software but came
> close, involving Archie Comics as well, a large corporate entity.
> After all if one considered Archie, Jughead and Veronica, the search
> engine equivalents of the first stone wheels, then we ought to set a few
> next to a new Hoosier race tire yes? :)
> To my suprise Mr Stallman ask for Jonzys email address and just like that
> emailed him (I was delighted to be cc'd). How neat, for here was two
> people I really do consider hero's of mine discussing things like emacs
> and gcc and jughead and all :)
> As it was, it took a long time and alot of work, waiting and effort by
> people working behind the scenes, all of us unaware (myself included as my
> only involvment was to occasionally pester and ask if it was "done yet?").
> And now its preserved and free and now no matter what for ever salvaged
> from being lost. I think thats just great!
> Thanks Jonzy!
> Thanks Mr Stallman!
> Veronica is next?
> Perhaps we could in addition to saving such software as this, move to get
> it under the GPL. This way it would be further saved, I am refering to all
> the wonderful old software we collect.
> Happy Gophering!
> Orintz
> gopher://hal3000.cx
> --
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