[gopher] Re: Gopher for dummies
in the simplest case you just put files (with descriptive names:) in your
gopher directory and they become available via gopher.
> But is not clear to how to make an menu page. Text and links to
> documents, provide a discription to those directorys.
SDF runs Pygopherd now and that's very cool because this server supports
both popular gopher link file formats - .links and .names files from
original UMN gopherd and gophermap files from Bucktooth. To my mind,
.links syntax is extremely cumbersome and irregular, it is described
e.g. here
Gophermap file syntax is very simple and it's described here
> How can you add an
> search function (Veronica?)
That's a problem with script execution at SDF because gopher server runs
in chrooted environment; atleast I haven't had much success with it.
Also, non-trusted users can't run perl so you'll have to write a search
system in sh %))) There's WAIS installed but it's hard to integrate it
with gopher. Also, the original veronica script (atleast the one I was
using on my former gopher server) runs on a special port from inetd so
you have to set up your own gopher server to run it.
> Is there sofware special for making a gopher site? I use GNU/linux.
In fact, gopher is designed in a way so simple that you won't need any
special development tools except for a text editor :)
> It seems there is also a hidden file ".links" that contains information.
> I am looking for an overview of the different instructions that exist
> that you can use for a gopher site. Like there is for www by use of an
> index of the html-makeup options and how to use it.
The links above (especially pygopherd manual) should help you.
> Greetings,
> Walter Vermeir
Yours, etc.
Roman A. Pavlov
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