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[gopher] Re: Gopher+ Clarification


--- Timm Murray <tmurray-gopher@wumpus-cave.net>
> From the Gopher+ document:
> ----
> A lot of folks need ability to retrieve and display
> pictures, but there is no real consensus on ONE
> format
> for these pictures.  We don't want to define a type
> character for every oddball  picture type.  Gopher+
> handles Pictures, Movies, and Sounds  by defining
> three item types: ":" for bitmap images, ";" for
> movies, and "<" for sounds (originally I, M, and S
> were suggested, but they  were informally in use in
> other ways; the only thing magic   about ":", ";",
> and
> "<", is that they are the first  characters after
> '9')
> ----
> When I first read this, I had thought the ':' type
> was specifically 
> refering to bitmap images of the .BMP veriety.  In
> other words, the 
> raw, uncompressed image data.  But on re-reading it,
> it seems that 
> it's actually implying a deprecation of the  'g' and
> 'I' types 
> ("We don't want to define a type character for every
> oddball picture 
> type.") and using only ':' for images, compressed or
> not, and letting 
> the MIME type be more specific.
> This seems like a much saner way to go about it.  Is
> this the correct 
> interpretation of the above?

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