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[gopher] Re: PyGopherd 1.0.0? (Was: Exception with gophermap)

John & Aaron--

Thanks for helping with the gophermap problem...version 1.0.0 fixed the problem.  

On a side note, are there still any active Veronica servers?  I've done the
prerequisite Google search, but most of the links I've found are dead.  A URL would
be great...


On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 01:33:26PM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> It's in the server that I'm waiting for the old hosting provider to send me. 
> Sigh!  I'll be glad to be done with them completely.  In the interim,
> pygopherd releases for all operating systems can be found at
> http://archive.progeny.com/debian/pool/main/p/pygopherd.
> -- John

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