[gopher] Re: Gopher server-side programming
> Just out of curiosity, are there any common solution out there for
> writing interactive apps using Gopher?
I created a CGI-like "mole" architecture for Bucktooth and Veronica-2 runs
as a mole within that. Any executable program gets run, with the same
security considerations you'd get from any webserver doing the same thing,
and similar semantics (including environment variables).
This is sounding more and more like I will have to build some kind of alpha,
so I guess I'll get on the ball and try to have something hackable available
for release soon.
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser@stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- Ergo, cogito sum! (Cogito.) ------------------------------------------------
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