[gopher] Re: Gopher Protocol Issue
On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 12:25:11AM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> Yes. Your gateway is indeed quite good. I'm wondering a few
> details... is it written in Java? Will it work in Kaffe? With gcj?
> If so, any chance it might be GPL'd? <prod prod> :-)
It is written in Java. Because it's written using Servlets and JSP
(though JSP will be phased out in favour of WebMacro), a Servlet/JSP
engine is required to run it. I'm using Tomcat (Apache's Servlet/JSP
implementation) for development and testing, which AFAIK does not
compile/run with Free tools. I'm using Sun's JDK 1.3.0 on Windows and
Solaris, and Blackdown's port of JDK 1.3.0 on Linux. It may be possible
to compile JServ (Apache's older Servlet implementation) with gcj. In
any case, chances are that my code will run with any good Servlet/JSP
implementation. Webgopher is under a MIT/X-Consortium style license
(BSD license without the advertising clause). I chose that license
because my reason for writing webgopher is to get Gopher out there, so I
would encourage companies to use the code in their non-Free products if
it furthers that goal. Of course Free software is preferred. The
source code is in CVS at sourceforge.net.
emanuel at heatdeath organisation
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