[gopher] Gopher for GNOME...
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Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 02:03:31 +0100
From: Stefan Rieken <StefanRieken@softhome.net>
To: bkarger@scn.org, emanuel@heatdeath.org
Subject: Gnopher 0.1 is out!
I thought that, as a Gopher advocate, you'd like to know that I released
version 0.1 of my Gopher client for GNOME. That's right -- brand new
software for the Gopher protocol ;-)
It has been added to the GNOME Software Map
(http://www.gnome.org/applist/) under the name of gnopher, if you are
looking for it.
I am writing you both especially because the Slashdot coverage of the
gopher:// manifesto inspired me to do this, and I have used
gopher.heatdeath.org as my main - testing - entrance into gopherspace
while developing. Thanks guys!
This is the very first release, lacking (beside of a few rough edges)
Gopher+ and reasonable datatype support, but it _is_ my intention to
have a complete (Nautilus-integrated) Gopher+ implementation at the end.
Hope I have enough holidays ;-)
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