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Bug#810898: apt: "apt-get update" (1.2) very slow with compressed indices and debtags


Enrico Zini made this python3 code to test the problem outside debtags:

import apt

def main():
    cache = apt.Cache()
    for pkg in cache:
        cand = pkg.candidate
        if not cand: continue
        tags = cand.record.get("Tag", None)
        if not tags: continue
        print(pkg.name, tags)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running it without compressed index in apt:

# time python3 cattags >/dev/null 
real	0m1.671s
user	0m1.539s
sys	0m0.132s

with compressed index:

# time python3 cattags >/dev/null 
real	1m44.238s
user	1m33.536s
sys	0m10.698s

I'm going to re-assign the bug to python-apt, maybe they have more info
on the issue.


GPG key: 4096R/5E0195FAF2133176 2010-10-19 Enrico Rossi <e.rossi@tecnobrain.com>

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