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Bug#855024: Install nvidia-driver package from jessie-backports using different methods

[fwiw, due to the way the bug was reassigned, it's entirely possible that none of the maintainers actually saw your original query - all that the mailing list received was https://lists.debian.org/deity/2017/02/msg00051.html ]

On 2017-03-27 12:51, Markus Lindberg wrote:
Could anyone at least point me in the right direction?

So far as I can tell, what you're seeing is expected behaviour.

"apt-get install foo/jessie-backports" says "install foo from jessie-backports but otherwise respect apt's policy on which release packages should be installed from", so will not pull in any other packages from backports unless you've added explicit pinning to make that happen.

"apt-get install -t jessie-backports foo", otoh, temporarily modifies apt's policy to give backports a higher priority, at which point dependencies from backports will be eligible for installation if required.

Hopefully an apt maintainer can comment on whether I've missed anything in the above.



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