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Bug#834414: apt-daily.service fails permanently and quietly as it runs before network is up

Teemu Likonen [2017-06-22 09:12:03+03] wrote:

> Systemd service apt-daily-upgrade.service can't do its job because it
> tries to run on boot before network connection. The associated timer is
> scheduled to run on
>     [Timer]
>     OnCalendar=*-*-* 6:00
>     RandomizedDelaySec=60m
>     Persistent=true
> and because my computer is usually off at that moment the
> Persistent=true rule makes the timer run the service immediately at
> boot. That fails because network is not configured yet.

Systemd's dependencies seem to be correct:

    $ systemd-analyze critical-chain apt-daily-upgrade.service

    The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the
    "@" character. The time the unit takes to start is printed after the
    "+" character.

    apt-daily-upgrade.service +6.696s
    └─apt-daily-upgrade.timer @7.496s
      └─apt-daily.timer @7.496s
        └─network-online.target @7.496s
          └─NetworkManager-wait-online.service @1.695s +5.800s
            └─NetworkManager.service @1.657s +37ms
              └─dbus.service @1.633s
                └─basic.target @1.620s

So apt-daily-upgrade.service is started immediately after
network-online.target (@7.496s) but network is not really ready yet.

Should we blame NetworkManager-wait-online.service?

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