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Re: Question of if a contribution like this would be entertained?

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 02:28:53PM +0100, Eric Curtin wrote:
> you do. Any task lying around that I could do just to get my head around
> the codebase?

Surely I could suggest something, e.g. one of the bugs we have
explicitly tagged as 'newcomer' [0], but I guess its better if you pick
a bug yourself which annoys you. It is a good exercise to judge how hard
fixing a bug might be already – you will likely be a bit of some
times, but that just means trying harder or trying with the next one…
Its at least how I got started & there are plenty open bugs available. ;)

Everyone is different through:
Back then I was new I even picked one which had a patch already #433007.
A few lines which took me longer than it looks… and its not the only one
I tried. Some bugs I even managed to produce a patch, but at the time
the patch was working I knew that this wouldn't be acceptable. Point is:
I just started with something which interested me enough to dig around
and learned stuff that way. And I always learned something even if the
result was a complete defeat… At least for me a "give-me-a-task"
approach wouldn't have worked as that would have felt like hard work,
not like an enjoyable "solving hard puzzles" hobby…

(and, just because I think something is easy doesn't mean it really is
objectively easy, so I feel kinda awkward each time I say: "Start with
this, that is easy" as I fear that someone eventually ends up being
completely stuck on such an 'easy' task believing (s)he must be an idiot
not being able to do that easy task while the idiot was me misjudging
the difficulty… as believe it or not, even we make mistakes ;) )

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

[0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=newcomer&pend-exc=pending-fixed&pend-exc=fixed&pend-exc=done&src=apt

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