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Bug#703932: Certificate problem =?= package integrity problem?

Ray Dillinger:
> Hmm.
> On further inspection, it appears that you're right.
> So I suppose my "bug" is that debian appears not to give
> a crap about people monitoring who is downloading which
> packages and isn't providing their repositories via
> https.  Or ftps.  Or, really, via *any* confidential
> mechanism.
> [...]
> 				Bear

We do, but it is fairly new.  There is an onion address for the regular

 * tor+http://vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion/debian/

Although, I doubt it covers security.  Though I suppose it should be
doable to get an onion address for the security mirror as well.


PS: You currently need apt-transport-tor to use that.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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