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Bug#746412: apt-get source linux behaves weird

Hi Daniel,

On 14.08.2015 08:10, Daniel Reichelt wrote:
> when I do 'apt-get source linux' with jessie+sid enabled in sources.list,
> there's no way to select jessie's ksrc version by target release. Neither
> of these work:
> - apt-get source linux
> - apt-get -t jessie source linux
> - apt-get source linux/jessie
> Everytime the result is:
> -------8<-------
> $ apt-get source linux/jessie
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree       
> Reading state information... Done
> Selected version '4.1.3-1' (jessie) for linux

Note how this line is clearly wrong, as jessie doesn't have linux 4.1.3-1.

> Am I missing something or is this a bug in apt?
> Any hints are greatly appreciated.

This looks very much like apt bug #746412 [1], which I reported in April
last year (and which was mistakenly closed today).

Best regards,

1: https://bugs.debian.org/746412

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