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Bug#776910: apt: upgrade from wheezy to jessie breaks in the middle

On 2015-02-24 09:53, Rafał Pietrak wrote:
> W dniu 23.02.2015 22:27, Niels Thykier pisze:
>> On 2015-02-03 16:34, Rafal Pietrak wrote:
> [...]
>> 5. I'm filing this bugreport, because this time there was no
>> "reboot-in-the middle", so I'd expect, the "apt-max-errors" (if it
>> really exists - I cannot find it now) is truely too low for "an average
>> system" .... I'd imagine, that upgrade from one major release to another
>> should set it temporarly to infinity ;7, but may be not.
>> Rather, there should be no errors during an upgrade - ever.  That is one
>> of the goals for upgrades.  Somehow, setting such a (fictive?) option to
>> infinite seems to be working around a problem that should not exist in
>> the first place.
> Yes and no.
> *actual errors* yes; but I don't think I've seen them during the upgrade.
> 1. During the upgrade I have seen some "errors"/complains about
> unresolved dependencies, or conflicts "... but continiueing anyway as
> requested" the apt-get said.

Those are from dpkg (though I do appreciate that telling the difference
between dpkg and apt-get output is difficult if you don't know them by
heart or the interplay between apt and dpkg).  However, I am fairly sure
dpkg does /not/ have a max counter on those.

I suspect what is happening here is that dpkg is complaining and would
/normally/ have aborted with an error, but continues anyway because apt
invoked dpkg with a --force-depends (or something similar).

> 2. at one point it said "too many errors" and stopped.
> 3. then a simple "apt-get -f install; apt-get dist-upgrade" completed
> the task (sort of) cleanly.

Again, smells like a trigger issue.  Though I will leave it to David (or
another apt maintainer) to analyse the dpkg status log you included.

For reference, the trigger check in dpkg was reverted.  If it turns out
that you were experiencing a trigger issue, then it is now solved already.

> [...]
>> I believe the BTS will accept it (you may want to gzip it though), but
>> lists.d.o will silently discard it.  So follow up with a separate mail
>> afterwards to ensure we notice once you have done it.
> I've learned, that attachments are OK. So here is my (most relevant)
> dpkg.status after the upgrade. Regretably, at this point I don't have
> the one from the date of an upgrade.
> -R

Ack, thanks.  For reference, the file was too large to reach
deity@lists.debian.org (as I described).  To anyone reading the list but
not following the bug directly, the file is at [1].



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