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Bug#739988: Fix autopkgtest missing dependencies and locale

Hey Michael,

Michael Vogt [2014-02-25  8:22 +0100]:
> Thanks for your bugreport and your patch!
> This is merged now and it will be part of the next upload.

Splendid, thanks!

> > The remaining problem is now that all of the webserver-related tests
> > hang eternally when I run them in LXC. It seems to work in QEMU [2],
> > but with a lot more packages pre-installed, so it could be that it
> > does something funky with the network configuration that just doesn't
> > work in LXC, or that there's another missing dependency.
> [..]
> I will investigate this further, I assume I can use the
> lp:auto-package-testing branch and the prepare-testbed.lxc script to
> test this? 

No, that's obsolete (I'll clean this up). Reproducer would be:

First, create a suitable container:

  $ debcheckout autopkgtest
  $ autopkgtest/tools/adt-build-lxc ubuntu trusty

You can also create "debian sid" or some other combination. Sorry, the
adt-build-lxc script is not yet packaged properly, but next version
will do that as we use it in production now and it works well enough.

Then run the test:

  $ autopkgtest/run-from-checkout apt --- lxc -es adt-trusty

This assumes that you created a trusty container. If you created a sid
container, use the "adt-sid" name instead. Also, if you run this in
Debian, sudo isn't usually set up, so with a Debian host run this

  # autopkgtest/run-from-checkout apt --- lxc -e adt-trusty

(as root).

However, with just the attached patch it already works in our ppc64le
LXC test:


It still hangs eternally in the equivalent test on armhf, due to that
problem. So maybe it's some race condition somewhere with the
webserver startup?


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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