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Bug#770698: apt: wants to install systemd packages on wheezy system with testing at lower priority

Am Sonntag, 23. November 2014, 15:05:02 schrieb David Kalnischkies:
> Hi Martin,

Hi David,

> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 12:51:37PM +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > This seems to be broke for me in two ways:
> > 
> > 1) On the apt upgrade those systemd packages are not shown as held back.
> > 
> > 2) It has no business to install these anyway. None of the packages is
> > currently installed and surely wheezy is priority 500 and testing is
> > priority 150. So no business to install these. Even when I lower testing
> > priority to 100 it insists to install these.
> It has "business". At least it believes it has, while aptitude has
> decided to ignore this case. You can proof that both is a bad idea in
> certain cases, so it ends up to be a design decision:
> Jessie introduces a new essential package ("init") and a key concept of
> essential packages is that other packages do not need to depend on it,
> even if they need it, which means that as soon as you add jessie
> sources, apt will try to install this init package (and its
> dependencies) to ensure that you are not breaking your system while you
> install (other) packages from jessie (it does so only in d-u as this is
> used for dist(ribution)-upgrades and new essential appear only with new
> releases, not in between. Also, upgrade wouldn't be allowed to install
> a new package anyway).

Hmmm. Okay. So it does so even if its not the default release. This creates 
the problem I saw for a mixed-version install of Debian.

> Also, your description of 2) suggests that you have slightly
> misunderstood pinning, so the apt_preferences manpage might be a good
> read. I would guess a pin value below 100 is more what you want.

I think I didn´t. Of course I want the owncloud packages from testing upgraded 
for security issues and cron-apt to notify me about it. As far as I am aware 
that won´t be the case for a priority less than 100. For that I also activated 
the security update repo for testing.

> Of note is also my bugreport #760458 which if implemented would solve
> your precieved problem, but it seems like it was decided against it.

Thank you for notifying me of this bug report. I subscribed to it and I think 
I will add a comment with a link to this bug report to it.

> As there is nothing we can do about it as it is declared "feature"
> rather than bug, I am closing this report, but still thanks for the
> report (– and I hope my reasoning makes at least a bit of sense, if not
> feel free to ask).

Thanks for taking the time for your detailed answer.

For now I solved this by using a manual override like this:

mondschein:/etc/apt> cat preferences
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 150

Package: *
Pin: release a=wheezy-backports
Pin-Priority: 200

Explaination: Bug#770698: apt: wants to install systemd packages on wheezy 
system with testing at lower priority
Package: *systemd*
Pin: origin *
Pin-Priority: -1

This let me achieve what I wanted, until I upgrade this box to Jessie 
completely, probably a bit later in the freeze cycle.

It seems "*systemd*" as Package is more than needed, as just "systemd" also 
gave this result.

At least this way it seems I can avoid installing the heavily outdated version 
of systemd from wheezy.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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