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Bug#767774: dpkg: File descriptor 20 (/dev/pts/2) leaked on vgs invocation

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:58:02AM +0100, Lars Hanke wrote:
> I'm not sure I understood the state of this bug report.

The bugreport wasn't closed, so there exists no version which fixed the
bug or otherwise this version would have closed it (or someone would
have closed it with a version tag in case the version already released).

> I'm seeing the same issue and can reproduce the behaviour shown by Niechta.
> This is a plain Jessie install, so apt is; not the experimental one.

No, Guillem was just using a new (unrelated) feature to show this bug.
He could equally well setup an archive containing his testpackage,
update with this archive configured and finally install the package.
His instructions are just a 'compressed' way of reproducing this bug.

It might not be totally clear from his message alone, but in context:
He is the dpkg maintainer, who reassigned a bug initially reported
against dpkg to apt with instructions on how to reproduce it with apt,
but not with dpkg to show that the reassign is in fact correct.

> Do you consider the bug fixed in 1.1 and we wait until it trickles down into
> Jessie, or shall we set up a VM with mixed distributions to verify
> something?

Well, nothing "tickles down to Jessie" anymore as it is frozen. Assuming
a fix materializes now, such a fix would need to be backported to the
version currently in jessie and you would need to convience the release
team to accept this change.

For me: While this looks like a bug we should fix, it isn't a bug we
would need to fix to release jessie as you can survive it. I at least
value other bugs far higher on the should-be-fixed-for-jessie scale
which are hard enough to find time and energy to fix and advertise
properly already.

So, tl;dr: bug status: open, no owner, no patch, no timeline.
aka: Ready to be picked up by someone willing to work on it.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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