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Where is /etc/apt/apt.conf ?

Dear Developers and Maintainers,
I saw the list of files for apt at:
The output of apt-config dump is:
line No.9 is:
APT::Default-Release "wheezy";
Line No. 97 to 102 are:
Dir::Etc "etc/apt/";
Dir::Etc::sourcelist "sources.list";
Dir::Etc::sourceparts "sources.list.d";
Dir::Etc::vendorlist "vendors.list";
Dir::Etc::vendorparts "vendors.list.d";
Dir::Etc::main "apt.conf";
My questions are:
1. From where Apt is picking up Default-Release, because the line is
deprecated by //
2. Where is the file apt.conf, because I have extensively searched,
and have not found it.
3. From where is the apt-config dump finding its information?
Hope you would reply,
Rajib Bandopadhyay

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