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Bug#738326: Summary of reassigned bug

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 04:59:27AM -0500, Daniel Dickinson wrote:
> As you can see from the bug history gnuplot is being installed by apt
> even though no packages which Depends on or Recommends on gnuplot are
> either directly or indirectly installed (based on binary package
> dependencies).

There is the possibility that apt wanted to install one of the reverse
dependencies but decided against it later on and chooses another path.
apt currently can't reverse in such situations. It gets right of
"obvious" wrong-doings later on by running autoremove over the result,
but suggests are important enough to safe a package from disposal by it.

That said, trying it with your "list" (it still includes packages
multiple times and also has lines with multiple packages) I can't
reproduce your problem. gnuplot appears here only in the list of
suggested packages which are not installed…
(I had to remove samba from the list, as it isn't installable for me at
 the moment)

touch /tmp/status
apt-get install -o Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker=1 -o Dir::state::status=/tmp/status -st testing  $(cat newlist)

So, do you have some hints on how to reproduce your problem?

> In as described previously, 'aptitude why gnuplot' on the
> resulting system claims the reason that gnuplot was installed is that
> amanda-client Suggests it. While amanda-client *is* delibarately
> installed and does suggest gnuplot, there is no reason that a Suggests
> should automatically cause a package to be installed (that is no reason
> except, if it is possible to do so, explicitly enabling such behavior,
> which is not done in this case).

As far as I know 'aptitude why' displays the first reason it can find
and for aptitude suggests are a reason. They aren't automatically
installed by it though (but apt/aptitude have an option for it).
why more describes why a package isn't autoremoved…

> BTW sorry for the multiple attempts to get the reassign and summary to
> apt maintainers vs live maintainers right.

No worries, next time you can send corrections (and errors make even the
 best people) to the control@ mail address only though as it avoid
cluttering the bugreport itself with messages.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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