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Bug#721723: apt: FTBFS on non-Linux: Testing with HashSums_libapt_test ###FAILED###

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Aaron M. Ucko <ucko@debian.org> wrote:
> David Kalnischkies <kalnischkies+debian@gmail.com> writes:
>> "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" is the md5 of an empty file.
>> "89f331147b07a354262948559d430f0b" is the md5 of our test file.
>> So the code calculates the right md5, but the expectation is wrong.
> AFAICT, the d41... value comes from a second pass through the file after
> determining its length and seeking back to the start.  (Your equals
> macro prints its arguments in reverse order on failure.)

Right. Hello elephant. (WTF? reversing order…)

> when not pulling anything into their buffers.  I'd suggest reworking it
> to use plain file descriptors throughout.

I don't have much time at the moment, but I guess the attached
patch should do this in the simplest/laziest way we have available.
It would be nice if you could test it, though.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

Attachment: 0001-use-FileFd-in-HashSum-test-to-unbreak-non-linux-port.patch
Description: Binary data

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