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Bug#481129: Bug#671503: general: APT repository format is not documented

* Julian Andres Klode <jak@debian.org> [120518 14:43]:
> A working draft could be something like the following. It mostly
> describes the current format for Release, Packages, and Sources
> files. It's thus missing Contents and Translations, pdiffs, and
> stuff, but it's a beginning.
> It specifies different requirements for servers and clients,
> in order to have clients be backwards compatible with more
> repositories, and forcing servers to be stricter. Don't know
> how good that is, though.
>             ============================
>             = Debian Repository Format =
>             ============================
> This documents a subset of the Debian repository format. This is a work
> in progress.
> "Release" files
> ===============
> The file "dists/$DIST/Release" shall contain meta-information about the
> distribution and checksums for the indices. The file "dists/$DIST/Release.gpg"
> shall be an GPG signature of the "Release" file, compatible with the format
> used by the GPG options "-a -b -s". The file "dists/$DIST/InRelease" shall be
> the "Release" file with a GPG clearsign signature  compatible with the format
> used by the GPG options "-a -s --clearsign".

I think it does not make much sense to document all legacy information
when starting to standardize. I'd opt for only "InRelease".

> The following fields might be available:
>     - Origin
>     - Label
>     - Suite
>     - Codename
>     - Date
>     - Valid-Until
>     - Architectures
>     - Components
>     - Description
>     - MD5sum, SHA1, SHA256

In *Release files it is MD5Sum not MD5sum.

>     - NotAutomatic and ButAutomaticUpgrades

That sounds like nothing all is allowed. I think a client should ignore
everything it does not know about instead.

> Servers shall provide the Release file, and its signed counterparts with at
> least the following keys:
>     - SHA256
>     - Origin
>     - Suite and/or Codename
>     - Architectures

Isn't Components also required currently?

> Clients shall accept missing Release files, and Release files without the
> fields required for servers. They might reject Release files that do not
> contain at least one of the fields defined herein.

I think a client should not be forced to accept a server without a

> Architectures
> -------------
> Whitespace separated unique single words identifying Debian machine architectures
> as described in Architecture specification strings, Section 11.1.

That section does not specify much, except the output of "dpkg-architecture -L",
which makes no sense for servers (as a server should not need a dpkg
with a architecture like that to support clients having it, and a client
should not need to know about what other clients have).

> Origin
> ------
> Shall indicate the origin of the repository.

s/Shall/Can/ to make more clean it is optional?

> Codename
> --------
> The Suite field shall describe the codename of the release. This is mostly
> a free-form string used to give a name to a release.

As this is the primary information, some data about how it can be formed
would be nice.

> MD5sum, SHA1, SHA256
> --------------------
> Those fields shall be multi-line fields containing multiple lines of whitespace
> separated data. Each line shall contain
>     (1) The checksum of the file in the format corresponding to the field
>     (2) The size of the file (integer >= 0)
>     (3) The filename relative to the directory of the Release file
> Each datum may be seperated by one or more whitespace characters.

must be instead?

> Client behaviour:
>     Any file should be checked at least once, either in compressed or
>     uncompressed form, depending on which data is available. If a file
>     has no associated data, the client shall inform the user about this
>     under possibly dangerous situations (such as installing a package
>     from that repository). If a file does not match the data specified
>     in the release file, the client shall not use any information from
>     that file, inform the user, and might use old information (such as
>     the previous locally kept information) instead.

How about suggesting that a client should not download any files not
listed in there or listed in other files already downloaded?

> If "NotAutomatic: yes" is specified, the client should prevent installation
> of packages from this repository unless explicitely requested (APT will assign
> priority 1 to that repository).

There are more clients than installers and there is no point in saying
what a client should do there. Better describe it's meaning.

> If "ButAutomaticUpgrades: yes" is specified in addition to "NotAutomatic: yes",
> the client should cause upgrades to packages from that repository to be
> installed automatically (APT will assign priority 100 to that repository).


> If both are either missing or set to "No", the repository should behave like
> any other repository (APT will assign either priority 500 or 990 by default,
> depending on whether the release is it's target release).

Again, that is for the client to decide...

> "Packages" Indices
> ==================
> The files dists/$DIST/$COMP/binary-$ARCH/Packages are called Binary Packages
> Indices. They consist of multiple paragraphs, where each paragraph has the
> format defined in Policy 5.3 (Binary package control files -- DEBIAN/control),
> and the additional fields defined in this section.

Here it would be nice to state that uncompressed Packages files do not
need to exist even if listed in InRelease.

> MD5sum, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512
> ----------------------------
> Checksums for the package. They shall be represented in hexadecimal
> notation. The SHA512 field is not in active use prior to this
> specification, the MD5sum and SHA1 fields should be considered
> deprecated, but should still be provided.

Has SHA512 any sense? Perhaps wait till there is something more secure
than SHA256 is around?

> Examples:
>     MD5sum: 2519c8c1afd27e70cf4ac10a5fa46e32
>     SHA1: 646eda5b6d51190181c15f5537428161f6f04c1d
>     SHA256: 3183eff291d1e9d905e78a6b467bbfb90b20fc2808d50b5e91bf55158b4c18be
> Server requirements: SHA256 shall be available
> Client requirements: Shall accept files without any such fields, should warn
>                      if those fields are missing and a package is used.

If there is none of them, I'd rather suggest a client to reject the

> Description-md5
> ----------------
> An md5sum of the english description. This will be used to lookup the
> translations in the translation indices. If this field is not defined,
> the md5sum shall be calculated from the Description field.
> Server requirements:
>     Either Description or Description-md5 shall be specified.
> Client requirements:
>     If neither Description, nor Description-MD5 is defined, the result shall
>     be the same as if an empty description was specified for all languages.
>     If Description-md5 is defined, the long description shall be looked up
>     via translation indices if requested.
> Example:
>     Description-md5: 9fb97a88cb7383934ef963352b53b4a7
> Description
> -----------
> The Description field shall contain the complete package description, if
> Description-md5 is not defined; or only the short description of the package,
> if Description-md5 is defined.

I'd suggest that a client should also support files without either of

> "Sources" Indices
> =================
> The files dists/$DIST/$COMP/source/Sources are called Sources indices. They
> consist of multiple paragraphs, where each paragraph has the format defined
> in Policy 5.5 (5.4 Debian source control files -- .dsc), with the following
> changes and additional fields. The changes are:
>     - The "Source" field is renamed to "Package"
>     - A new mandatory field "Package-List"

That field is quite new. Not sure if it makes sense to make it

        Bernhard R. Link

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