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Bug#578657: apt-cache policy should use TABs in format string to ease l10n

Am Freitag, 23. April 2010 schrieb Goswin von Brederlow:
> That isn't really the problem. The problem is that with tabs you
>  still have to align the translations for the two lines. It makes it
>  likely that the same number of tabs will work but does in no way
>  garantie that. E.g. in your above case the shortcandidate needs
>  several tabs and translators won't know about it any more than they
>  know about adding spaces.

Okay, I accept this technical limit regarding the use of \t (with its 
generic limitation).

Then, one solution could be to find a way to inform translators that the 
translated strings should have a fixed length (like 60), and that the 
string should be filled up with whitespaces accordingly.

Or adapt the output script to do this fillup.


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