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apt without MMap


After some time of programming I've produced proof-of-concept patch of working apt without
any mmap's.


$ diffstat cur.patch
 28 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 1456 deletions(-)

Command                             Time elapsed (0.7.19) Time elapsed (nommap)
apt-get install abcde               2.50s                 1.16s
apt-cache search --names-only "a?w. 0.20s                 0.86s
apt-cache search "a?w.{1,2}pe"      1.44s                 1.47s
apt-cache show mutt                 0.05s                 0.76s
apt-cache rdepends qtgui4           0.13s                 0.83s
apt-cache gencaches                 1.02s                 --

 - MMap and DynamicMMap have gone, so APT::Cache-Limit too;
 - No pkgcache.bin and pkgsrccache.bin (-24 Mb of space on my machine);
 - faster work with cache (all indirections have gone away too),
   so all programs that actively use cache should work noticeably faster
   (e.g. apt-get and other package managers);
 - pkgCache is almost type-safe.

 - APT must rebuild its cache on each invocation. This means that any command
   that use cache should build cache before actual work, which takes some time.
   It's a time penalty for small queries via apt-cache.

Question is can we take this approach for apt 0.8.x or not. Comments appreciated.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
Ukrainian C++ developer, Debian APT contributor

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